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Covid-19 Information

Currently, there are NO active Covid- 19 cases at Magnolia School

Four cases of Covid-19 have been reportered to the school.  
There has been zero community spread from either case.

As of March 4, 2022
Current CDC community level for Travis county: Green
Current stage for Travis county through APH: 2



Below are the COVID guidelines for the spring semester. These guidelines were written on 12/28 and will be updated as new information and guidance is available. We continue to follow CDC and APH recommendations and guidelines for COVID protocols and procedures. Our number one goal is keeping everyone at our school healthy and safe and doing what we can to minimize the exposure and spread of COVID throughout the school. We also want to keep all classrooms open for in person learning. We are learning that the new COVID variant, Omicron, is highly contagious and is being contracted by children more than previous variants.


  • -  Masking - all students and staff who want to wear a mask may continue to do so. Students

    and staff who feel comfortable without a mask do not need to wear one. If a student or staff member is exhibiting symptoms of COVID we will require them to wear a mask until they are picked up from school or have a negative COVID test result. Students who are unable to wear a mask while exhibiting symptoms of COVID will need to stay home. If your child comes to school wearing a mask or you ask us to provide them a mask at drop off we will ensure they wear it throughout the day. If your child does not come to school wearing a mask we will not require them to wear one unless we hear otherwise.

  • -  Vaccination - if your child is able to get vaccinated, please do so. We can provide resources for families who need help in locating a vaccination site (most Walgreens, CVS, and HEB pharmacies are doing pediatric vaccines and scheduling online).

  • -  Testing - testing is important if you have been exposed to COVID or are exhibiting symptoms of COVID

    • -  Please test if you have been exposed to COVID as soon as possible. Repeat this test 5 days after your exposure date

    • -  If you have any COVID symptoms please test to make sure it is not COVID

    • -  We are able to administer rapid antigen tests on-site to staff and students. If you

      need your student tested please contact Ellen ( to

      set up testing.

  • -  Stay home - if you are not well, please stay home to help prevent spreading COVID and any

    other bugs going around


COVID Exposure & Diagnosis

Exposure to COVID

  • -  Exposure to COVID is defined as being within 6 feet for more than 15 minutes of a person

    who has tested positive

  • -  If you are vaccinated (2 weeks past your last shot and includes a booster at 6 months): there is

    no need to quarantine. You need to wear a mask for 10 days from the exposure date. If you begin showing symptoms, please stay home until you have a negative COVID test. A copy of a vaccination card will be required by the school to stay on campus after an exposure.

  • -  If you are not vaccinated (you have not received your shots, are not 2 weeks past your last shot and/or have not gotten a booster at 6 months): quarantine for 5 days and wear a mask for the following 5 days. We will also require a negative COVID test to return to school after 5 days. We will continue to require students returning to wear a mask for days 5-10.



  • -  Please report a positive test result as soon as possible by emailing Ellen (

  • -  If you are asymptomatic: stay home for 5 days, wear a mask for the following 5 days. If you

    develop symptoms please follow the guidance for symptomatic people

  • -  If you are symptomatic: stay home for a minimum of 5 days. If after day 5 you have been

    symptom free for 48 hours you may return to school. Wear a mask until 10 days after your positive test results.

At this time COVID-19 continues to be a prevalent illness within our local community. Families who have chosen to send their children to in-person learning should be aware of the risks associated with their children being around other people outside of their immediate family. The Magnolia School is taking all recommended precautions in order to keep COVID out of our school and there are factors outside of our control that may result in primary or secondary exposure to COVID. There is also a possibility that someone who is asymptomatic will be in the school building.


Communication is critical and we want to make sure every avenue is available for clear dialogue with our parents and their children.




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© 2022 Magnolia Instruction Center  •  3500 RR 620 South, Building G200 • Bee Caves, Texas, 78738

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